Cypher Green Roads Donation to Pond Inlet
Cypher Environmental teamed up with the Baffinland Iron Mines at Mary Lake in the northern part of Baffin Island for a…
Cypher Environmental teamed up with the Baffinland Iron Mines at Mary Lake in the northern part of Baffin Island for a…
Whereas in the past, our roster of clients consisted mainly of those in mining, today we are seeing an uptake…
Baffinland Iron Mines Corp. is a Canadian mining company operating the Mary River iron ore mine in the Qikiqtani…
Located in the Antofagasta region, the Antucoya mine is a low-grade porphyry copper deposit. The mine is located in the…
Curries Landing 2015 In 2015, Cypher Environmental took on a joint project with Brandon University to improve the engineering properties of clay…
In 2016 Cypher unveiled its most recent road stabilization and dust control product, known as DUST/BLOKR® (DUST/BLOKR®).The product formula was…
A 1 km demonstration section of road using ROAD//STABILIZR® and DUST/BLOKR® (DUST/BLOKR®) was recently built near Valencia, Cordoba, Colombia in…
Alternative Road Materials & Construction Techniques Improve Production Cost and Efficiency for Rural Communities in Myanmar Cypher recently finished two…
Application of ROAD//STABILIZR®® Road Building Technology in Field Management of Shengli Open-Pit Coal Mine Cypher was recently provided with an abstract…
Economic Development in Nigeria Starts From the Ground Up Our Construction Foreman Jayme Gladden just finished up an ROAD//STABILIZR® application on a farm road…