Better Roads. Better Bottom Line. Better Planet.
The Only High-Performance Dust Control & Soil Stabilization with Zero Environmental Impact
“Always do what's right.”

Global Provider of Environmentally Friendly Dust Control & Soil Stabilization

We are proud to bring our environmentally friendly dust control and road stabilization road solutions to over 50 countries around the world and playing a role in eliminating harmful chemicals from our roads.

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6th Annual Cypher Environmental

Charity Golf Tournament

The Annual Cypher Charity Golf Tournament is back! On Tuesday, September 16th, 2025, take part in our 6th annual charity golf tournament with proceeds going to the Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre and helping helping sick, injured or orphaned wildlife receive the medical care and rehabilitation they need in order to be released back into the wild.

Register as a golfer, support as a sponsor, or both! Registrations are open now. We look forward to seeing you on the course! 



Always Do What's Right.

You can have it all - safer roads, a cost effective solution and be environmentally responsible.

Cypher Environmental is a global provider of environmentally friendly dust control and road stabilization solutions.  What sets us apart is the fact that our products are eco friendly, while still delivering high performance results.

Many chloride-based products used for dust suppression and road stabilization are harmful to the environment, creating greater CO2 emissions and requiring tremendous water consumption at a time when drought and water shortage affects so many parts of the world. Cypher’s cleantech road solutions are used worldwide across 50+ countries for applications in mining, aviation, municipal, agricultural and other major industries.

Since Cypher Environmental’s inception, our core mandate has been to develop 100% environmentally friendly cleantech products that help our clients solve road challenges caused by dust and poor road quality.

Our innovative DUST/BLOKR® and ROAD//STABILIZR® products have successfully helped clients around the world complete projects in over 50 countries; while simultaneously reducing their OPEX (operational cost) and environmental footprint. Click on the button below to access our Cypher 360 Formula for success to brochure to learn more about how we help our clients achieve success across their triple bottom line – people, planet, and prosperity.

We continue to innovate and make strides in our mission to remove road salts, and other toxic products from the earth and we stand behind our promise: Better Roads. Better Bottom Line. Better Planet.

Mining Solutions

Municipal Solutions

Agriculture Solutions

Aviation Solutions

Better Roads.

We know roads, it’s what we do best. Roads have been the lifeblood of communities around the world but that doesn’t mean they still need to be built in the same old-fashioned way. By pooling our collective genius, we have engineered easy-to-use and easy-to-adopt products designed to successfully solve common and costly road and infrastructure challenges with ZERO impact on the environment.

Better Bottom Line.

Helping you better your bottom line is not only important to us, it’s our promise. How? By enhancing the engineering properties of your roads, you can reduce fuel consumption, increase tire life and reduce maintenance costs on vehicles. Not to mention substantial cost savings in maintaining treated roads. Entire communities benefit from enhanced roads which translates to more cost-effective transport of goods, technology and people while being kind to mother nature.

Better Planet.

With millions of kilometres of roads in existence today, there is no corner of the planet that is not impacted by their presence. Think about it, when a more sustainable approach is used to design and maintain these roads, a dramatically positive impact is created globally. With programs like Cypher Green Roads, we’re able to continually enhance and amplify sustainability efforts on a global basis.

The Cypher Green Roads program was launched in 2021 to help communities conserve water amid global water scarcity while keeping harmful chloride-based products from being exposed to the environment by introducing the same cleantech solutions used globally by major industries to local communities next door. Cypher donates up to 5% of a project’s cleantech road solution value to communities nearest to the client.

Together with the client, these donations of product, training, labour, equipment and application enables the sharing of cleantech practices between industry and community, introduces skills and knowledge transfer of long-term sustainable practices to developing communities while generating PR opportunities for the promotion of cleantech technologies worldwide.

How can we help you?

Reach out to our team to have your questions answered