Cypher Environmental’s DUST/BLOKR® has had proven success in many dust control projects around the world. While the effectiveness of the dust control product can easily be seen after its application, here are few photos documenting the dust control process under an electron microscope. The following series of photos show how DUST/BLOKR® encapsulates all the soil and dust particles to control fugitive dust.
DUST/BLOKR® was applied to slag material, a waste product produced from steel production. The hydrophobic nature of slag material makes it highly difficult to encapsulate and bind together, yet DUST/BLOKR® is still able to act as an effective binder for this difficult material.
Before DUST/BLOKR® Application
After DUST/BLOKR® Application
The following photos are of the soil after dust stop application. Note that all the loose dust particles have been encapsulated and binded together.