DUST/BLOKR Dust Suppression

DUST/BLOKR®: The Global Dust Control Revolution

The result of repeated use of chloride products on soil – salt deposits due to over-salinization that travels to waterways and destroys plant life.


Summary: Chloride dust control products are short-lived, wreak havoc on our environment and come with costly long term consequences. With its advanced organic material technology, DUST/BLOKR® is revolutionizing the global dust control industry by achieving environmentally friendly dust control results that traditional chloride methods just can’t match. On top of being an environmentally friendly dust control, this next-generation solution suppresses fugitive dust like no other solution. DUST/BLOKR® is designed for maximum durability – protecting your roads AND the environment from erosion damage caused by chlorides. Read on to learn more about how this environmentally friendly dust control alternative compares to chloride products and how you can become a part of the revolution.


The Case Against Chloride Products for Dust Control

The use of chloride-based products has been a popular yet costly practice in Canada, unfortunately. According to Section 64 of the 1999 Canadian Environmental Protection Act, these common salts are deemed toxic and corrosive. Their prolific usage for dust control and de-icing causes billions worth of infrastructure damage annually as well as considerable harm to vegetation, soil quality, groundwater sources and surface water bodies throughout the country.

Groundwater pollution has become an increasingly concerning issue due to the presence of chloride-based products in our rivers and lakes. Health Canada estimates that 5% of aquatic species are impacted by runoff chlorides, with concentrations up to 10x higher than normal in some Toronto area creeks. These alarming figures demonstrate why we must take steps now towards protecting our ecosystems from hazardous pollutants before it’s too late.

Salinization, caused by elevated chloride concentrations leaching into our environment, is a serious threat to North American freshwater lakes. In 2010, it was discovered that the wildlife in Frenchman’s Bay outside Pickering, Ontario had been completely wiped out due to chlorides so severe they impaired oxygen levels and circulation of nutrients within these ecosystems. As 2017 stats show us, 44% of local lake populations are at risk – an alarming number considering how irreparably destructive this pollution can be if left unaddressed. These disturbing statistics serve to underscore just how important protecting our waterways are.


Roadside vegetation “burnt” by toxic chloride-based dust control products.



How Environmentally Friendly Dust Control Solution DUST/BLOKR® Compares to Chloride Products

Unlike chlorides that erode water quality after being washed away by rain or irrigation cycles, DUST/BLOKR® creates a long lasting layer between the soil surface and air – two important components in successful dust prevention efforts. While chlorides cause extensive damage and environmental destruction, DUST/BLOKR® provides superior performance while preserving nature’s balance – safeguarding animals, humans and habitats alike.

DUST/BLOKR® is the ultimate product for dust control, offering superior durability in wet and dry climates. Not only that, but its long-lasting formulation also dramatically reduces application frequency while being non-toxic and environmentally friendly – it even passes Boeing conformity testing! And with EPA certification under Safer Choice Standards, you can rest assured knowing this revolutionary solution has no impact on roadside vegetation of the environment at large. Best of all, due to concentration there’s less required volume per use leading to reduced freight costs and greenhouse gas emissions – a win-win situation for your  as well as our beautiful planet. DUST/BLOKR® is the ultimate solution for clean, efficient, and cost-effective operations.

The final steps of a DUST/BLOKR® application to a road in Manitoba.


Additional Benefits of DUST/BLOKR® Over Chloride Products

The use of DUST/BLOKR® has numerous benefits over alternative chloride-based dust suppressant products currently on the market. All materials used to manufacture DUST/BLOKR® are industrial grade versions of food grade products and have been derived from natural and sustainable sources, consisting of three main sustainable components: sugars, starches, and minerals. It is non-toxic, non-corrosive, and biodegradable. DUST/BLOKR® has been engineered to be a highly effective, non-corrosive and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional chloride dust suppressants.

The Choice Is Obvious

Let’s recap. DUST/BLOKR®:

  • Is durable in its ability to perform in both wet and dry climates
  • Is long-lasting, reducing the application frequency needed
  • Is highly effective in dust control
  • Is environmentally friendly
  • Is non-toxic
  • Is non-corrosive
  • Does not produce carbon
  • Does not contain chlorides
  • Passes Boeing conformity testing
  • Is certified by the US EPA under their Safer Choice Standards
  • Has no impact on the environment and roadside vegetation
  • Reduces the volume of product required to be transported, due to its concentration
  • Reduces freight costs
  • Reduces associated greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduces maintenance costs


Comparison summary of DUST/BLOKR® as an alternative to chloride-based products.

Find Out More About Environmentally Friendly Dust Control DUST/BLOKR®

Looking to make a difference without compromising on results? With DUST/BLOKR®, you’re choosing sustainability, eco-friendly options that protect our earth and its inhabitants while benefiting from a product that works better and lasts longer!

Contact the team with a technical consultation or for more information on alternate solutions that won’t harm the environment or your bottom line. We’d welcome the opportunity to hear from you via contact form, email or telephone.

You might also be interested in the following DUST/BLOKR® resources and articles:

Antucoya Mine Haul Road, Chile

Colombian National Roads Institute (INVIAS), Colombia

Municipal Roads in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada



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