Cypher Environmental’s ESG Plan in Action

While a global pandemic may have stopped our fourth annual golf tournament in support of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre this year, it didn’t stop our team from putting our Environmental Social Governance plan into action. 


Since 1984, the WHRC has cared for over 42,000 rescued animals from all over Manitoba. Charities like the WHRC rely on donations and volunteers to help injured, sick, and orphaned animals return to the wild. Cypher Environmental was planning on supporting the WHRC through our golf tournament. With the tournament cancelled due to COVID-19, we thought the next best thing would be to treat their parking lot with DUST/BLOKR®, our environmentally-friendly dust control product, for free.


While the Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre does an excellent job at caring for animals, their untreated parking lot was pulling up a lot of dust. Dust can cause respiratory problems for animals and people who breathe it in. With their Animal Ambassadors having enclosures right beside the lot, dust gathering on the cages causes more work for staff and volunteers.

Previously, the WHRC would occasionally spray water to control dust. They built a wetland ecosystem on-site to educate people about Manitoba’s wetlands. Because of this, the WHRC could not use road salts, as it could harm the flora and fauna. This made our environmentally-friendly product the perfect option for them! 

The Cypher team was thrilled to be able to support this local charity with our products. Not only because they do admirable work for animals in the community, but they also share our environmental values. Their new building runs on geothermal power. 

Generally, the WHRC is closed to the public, but our President, Todd Burns, was invited to tour the newly opened Murray Education Centre and Wildlife haven. This centre opened last year to educate about awareness, appreciation and co-existing with wildlife. 

“I was honoured to be invited out and meet their Executive Director, President, Vice President, and General Manager. I really got the VIP tour. Cypher Environmental and the Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre have a lot of shared values, so we are happy to further support them in any way we can.” 

Todd was impressed with their facility and learned a lot from his visit. The WIldlife Haven cares for Manitoba wildlife like small mammals, songbirds, reptiles, raptors, and waterfowl. They even set up a recycling program for fishing line on docks across the province. A common issue with rescued wildlife is finding them wrapped in fishing line when they are brought in. This solution will help put an end to this problem.


Todd left the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre and committed to buying a bench to show Cypher Environmental’s ongoing support.

If you would like to book a field trip workshop with the WHRC, the Murray Education Centre at Wildlife haven delivers exciting and educational presentations for schools, service clubs, community events, senior living centres, corporations or any other occasion for audiences eager to learn about wildlife. You can find more information here

Donations can be made to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, or arrangements to drop off an animal can be made by contacting them here. Your donation will go towards the care of wildlife patients, food, medication and supplies needed for their rehabilitation. Donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt. 

If you’re looking for an environmentally-friendly dust control solution, get more information on our products hereWe would like to extend a thank-you to S&J Construction for coming out and helping us with this DUST/BLOKR® application.

Michele Patson

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