Cypher Environmental was founded on the basis that we would only develop and promote environmentally friendly products used to solve a variety of common environmental issues (Dust and Soil Road Management). The world has embraced our philosophy and solutions in over 50 countries and 7 continents, and with this success our responsibility to give back has naturally developed into a program: Cypher Green Roads.

What is Cypher Green Roads?

Cypher Green Roads was born out of our commitment to Environmental Social Governance (ESG) & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and aims to give back and enhance local roads and infrastructure in the communities in which our products are being used around the world.

Through this initiative, we will donate up to 5% of a project value for any orders exceeding $250K USD in the form of product to a local community, near the project location.

Why did we create this program?

From the very beginning our goal was to “Always do what’s right” (our mantra for everything we do), and Cypher Green Roads aligns with our vision and with our core values. Our roots began in creating environmentally friendly solutions, but as our success grew, we felt we had an even greater responsibility to keep finding ways to better the planet and make more of an impact.

In choosing to use our products and by participating in Cypher Green Roads, mines and industry will be able to reduce their overall environmental impact during a project lifecycle, create goodwill, and make a positive impact within neighbouring communities in which their projects are taking place.

How does the program increase CSR?

Cypher Green Roads also helps customers improve their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR is important for all organizations to think and act upon, but this is especially important for the mining industry and industries that may have an effect on the environment or communities in which they work. For the Mining industry, CSR is no longer a choice, but an obligation, and anyone who ignores surrounding communities is making a big mistake.

Many mines are taking CSR seriously and have integrated CSR (and ESG) into their planning and operations and can do so by working with us and using products like DUST/BLOKR® and ROAD//STABILIZR® which have zero-environmental impact. However, oftentimes the mines are not engaging well with the very communities that are providing them with food, housing, and infrastructure and services to support a large influx of activity that comes with mining developments. These donations will allow mines to develop stronger relationships with communities and help stretch their budgets for longer stretches of public roads, or in areas where budgets would not normally permit.

Who will benefit?

Cypher Green Roads will appeal widely to mining operations as it relates to their social license to operate, but can be beneficial for large industrial projects, municipalities, as well as provincial and federal government agencies. Cypher Green Roads can benefit surrounding towns and villages, as well as wild-life reserves and national parks. We are willing to work with anyone around the world who wants to do the right thing by using environmentally friendly-road solutions and build better communities by giving back.

How to participate

Once a DUST/BLOKR® or ROAD//STABILIZR® project has been confirmed, any customer can engage with our business development team to participate in the program. We stay in close contact with our customers and distributors who are on-site, and they will help identify opportunities as they build relationships with all stakeholders. From there we will work with local authorities to make arrangements for delivery, training, and application of the product.

Building Better Communities

Our first official Cypher Green Roads donation was made last year with our customer Baffinland to the remote village of Pond Inlet in Nunavut, Canada. Pond Inlet is the community located nearest the mine, and therefore the healthy relationship between the community and the mine is of strategic importance for both to thrive and prosper. Because they live and work so closely together, they also share some common challenges, with dusty roads being at the forefront in the summer months. 

Once Baffinland had made the decision to start using DUST/BLOKR® to mitigate the dust problems on their property, it was easy to see that other surrounding roads could also benefit.

38,000 litres of DUST/BLOKR® has been delivered to Pond Inlet and we will be applying the product in June 2021 with no cost to the community. This donation was made as a joint initiative through Cypher, Baffinland and NSSI, each of which donated resources and efforts to make this project happen. Furthermore, the community will get training from Cypher personnel on the use of our product, providing essential skills that the community will benefit from after the completion of the project. 

What you give is what you get back

At Cypher, we are firm believers in the idea that what you give, is what you get back. We aim to be a beacon of inspiration for companies everywhere to consider how they can make an impact globally through programs and initiatives that make our world a better place. When we all do our part, everybody wins.

The more people who know about this program, the more communities will be able to benefit from it. It could be somewhere closer than you think! You can make a difference by sharing this post with your colleagues, customers, and friends to your social networks below. Let’s make the world a better place – one road at a time!

Cypher Environmental is a leading global environmental solution provider for dust control and road stabilization. With ESG (Environmental Social Governance) and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) principles at the core of every decision we make, we proudly boast the tag line, “Always do what’s right.”

If you’re interested in Cypher Green Roads please contact us here or reach us at: (877) 776-1585 // //


Michele Patson

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