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Cypher Environmental Involved in EDC Trade Mission in Colombia

Cypher Environmental recently took part in an Export Development Canada (EDC) trade mission in Colombia, focused on infrastructure, the week of November 23, 2015. The mission included B2B meetings in Bogota, Medellin and Barranquilla with several of Colombia’s largest infrastructure companies and key sector players, and was followed by networking opportunities at the National Infrastructure Congress in Cartagena where first-hand intelligence about Colombia’s Infrastructure Master Plans were gathered. Colombia’s infrastructure program includes airports, ports, social infrastructure, as well as an ambitious road concession program that entails the construction of 30+ road projects that will add over 8,000 kilometers of highways to the country’s transportation system and will require a total estimated investment of US$25 billion. Therefore Cypher’s soil stabilization and road dust control solutions were discussed with several key players during the week to investigate their applicability for use as solutions in several of these projects.

As usual, the team from EDC did a phenomenal job of arranging some very targeted meetings for Cypher and the other Canadian companies in attendance. The continued philosophy of the global team from EDC remained constant in Colombia, with the meetings being chosen for quality over quantity, providing Cypher with the chance to meet some of the largest players in infrastructure in the country with specific needs for Cypher’s infrastructure solutions. A special thanks to Alejandra Calderón, Gustavo Galvis and Line Charbonneau from EDC, as well as Claudia Gutierrez from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), who helped keep us all on schedule during the mission.

Due to the significant amount of new road construction planned and the cost savings available through the use of Cypher’s road solutions, the EDC matchmaking meetings that took place in Colombia were all highly relevant with regards to the new Infrastructure Master Plan. Colombia has a an abundance of high clay content material, ideally suited for the soil stabilization properties of ROAD//STABILIZR®, enabling for the use of a much lower cost material for use as an input in the country’s upcoming infrastructure projects. We look forward to continued development of the Colombian market as a result of this mission. For more details on past projects Cypher has worked on with EDC, please see Export Development Canada (EDC) Article on Matchmaking and Read the Latest EDC Exportwise Article on Us, “Biting the Dust with Cypher Environmental”.

Pictured below is the entire Canadian delegation enjoying the views from the roof of their hotel in Barranquilla, just prior to their departure to Cartagena.

Michele Patson

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