The transportation sector plays a vital role in our society and economy. Encompassing of rail, road, air and marine transportation, the sector is vast in its scope and facilitates the movement of people and products across the country and across borders. Simply put, it enables economic activity to occur and keeps our people and products moving.

In a sector of this size, it is important for individuals and businesses to have a common forum for discourse and collaboration.  In Western Canada, this forum is the Western Transportation Advisory Council (WESTAC).  For the past 50 years, WESTAC has been the premier forum for those operating within Western Canada’s transportation industry.  WESTAC brings together businesses, labour and government groups to discuss, debate and find resolutions for challenges impacting the gateways, corridors and supply chains in Western Canada. WESTAC also provides a neutral and non-partisan forum for promoting and protecting the critical role transportation plays in moving people and goods across Western Canada.

Cypher Environmental was recently introduced to WESTAC and its members at the group’s Spring Forum held in Winnipeg on May 4 – 5, 2023.  Our CEO, Todd Burns, participated in the “Spotlight on Manitoba” panel which focused on the benefits and competitive advantage Manitoba has to offer for businesses. The panel was facilitated by the Hon. Doyle Piwniuk, Manitoba’s Minister of Transportation & Infrastructure. Fellow panel members were Michelle Finley, Communications & Public Affairs Manager at Roquette Canada and Charles “Duff” Sullivan, Country Leader, Managing Director and President at Boeing Canada.


From L to R: Charles “Duff” Sullivan (Boeing Canada), Todd Burns (Cypher Environmental), Michelle Finley (Roquette Canada) with Hon. Doyle Piwniuk (Manitoba Minister of Transportation & Infrastructure) 


Cypher Environmental CEO, Todd Burns, speaking at podium.

While our products’ applications are suitable across different industries, DUST/BLOKR® and ROAD//STABILIZR® have been used to facilitate operations for many businesses within transportation sector in Western Canada. Most recently, since Transport Canada’s confirmation that DUST/BLOKR® meets the Section 8.3 Advisory Circular 300-004 for non-corrosivity for aircraft materials, we have turned our focus to the aviation industry. With many rural air strips still unpaved, DUST/BLOKR® has been able to offer an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution for dust control for airstrips. DUST/BLOKR® provides effective dust control for airstrips and does not require daily or weekly applications. DUST/BLOKR® can be applied annually or as needed.


Benefits of DUST/BLOKR® Dust Control for Airstrips

  • Conforms with Boeing BSS7432 (D6-17487) standards
  • Reduces grading, aggregate use, and watering requirements, thus reducing maintenance costs
  • Increases CBR and reduces loose gravel on treated surfaces, otherwise known as FOD (foreign object damage)
  • Increases water resistance
  • Non-corrosive, non-toxic and environmentally-friendly


“With many of the rural and smaller air strips in Canada located in remote locations or close to biodiverse habitats such as forests, grasslands, lakes and wetlands, it seemed like DUST/BLOKR® could be the ideal dust control solution for airstrips. The product is non-corrosive and non-toxic and has zero environmental impact to the flora and fauna surrounding the application site,” says Todd Burns, CEO Of Cypher Environmental.

“Another plus is that the product is shipped in a concentrated form and only mixed once it reaches the application site. This reduces the cost of shipping as well as the overall environmental impact through less greenhouse gas emissions.”


Cypher Environmental thanks Lindsay Kislock, President and CEO of WESTAC and all its members for the opportunity to participate in their Spring Forum.


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